Thursday, December 12, 2013

Hobby-Horses in Conshohocken/Manayunk

The morning writing session produced these. As winter has debuted early this year, some of the early morning vistas from Fayette Street are very pretty. Although for a burb, Conshy leans towards the concrete-ish. Jeremy's Manayunk is even better...

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Winter Wonderland

Took a long walk in the snow this morning. Thought of the photographer...what's his name..."Joy Before the Object"...Albert Renger Patzsch. Snow on Ply-Mar looks good. As I spent the morning writing, I noticed that I seem to be channeling harsh frequencies. Sign o' the times, peeps.

Saturday, December 07, 2013

Saturday, Plymouth-Whitemarsh

Wrote these at the Conshy Starbucks, listening to the X-Mas music they were playing and also watching the Main Line dance down the proverbial aisle.

Friday, December 06, 2013

Outbound Cafe: Outbound Apparition Poems

I spent the morning (a rainy one in Philly) writing these at the Outbound Cafe, here pictured, adjacent to the Conshy Septa station. The Outbound is quirky: they only play 70s music, and you haven't lived until you've attempted to write Apparition Poems to the sound of "Crocodile Rock" and "I'll Be Around."

Thursday, December 05, 2013

New Apparition Poems

I'm happy to say that I'm continuing again with the composition of Apparition Poems. Hopefully, the epic I leave behind when I die will be Homeric in scope.

Wednesday, December 04, 2013

Writing the Cheltenham Elegies

When I wrote the Cheltenham poetry sequence in the fall of '11, I was still living at 23rd and Arch. But the 'burbs had begun to close in: I started writing the series because I discovered, at a relative's house in Conshy, my high school '94 yearbook, and it took me on a very strange, eerie voyage.

Tuesday, December 03, 2013

Blogger Gauntlets

I started using Blogger seriously in 2006. In 2012, formatting rules changed and it has taken me a year to catch up. It's been a year of rampant embeds. Now, things have come full circle into total fertility again.