Monday, April 23, 2018

Uranus into Taurus, and Apps

The Sun just entered Taurus; more importantly, as a long-term influence, Uranus enters Taurus shortly as well. In the interest of Taurus-level gravitas, another solid auditory Apps experience.

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

April 17, 1998

April 17, 1998, twenty years ago today, was a day like any other in State College, Pennsylvania. I was living in a bedsit flat in North Halls; and about to move into a sublet on South Atherton Street. Yet, it turned out to be a memorable day for me, as it was the day I wrote the first, almost-instantly complete draft of the poem Clean, which appeared in Philly print journal Siren's Silence (as is here shown) later that year. It signaled a leap forward for me and my writing, which culminated in the composition of Mortuary Puppies later that year, which was staged in State College in February '99 by the Outlaws.